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Buzard Opus 39


Completed, June 20, 2010

43 Stops; 52 Ranks of Pipes Across Three Manuals and Pedal; 3,129 pipes

Swell Organ
4″ Wind Pressure


16′ Gedeckt Pommer

8′ Violin Diapason

8′ Stopped Diapason

8′ Salicional

8′ Voix Celeste

8′ Flute Coelestis II

4′ Principal

4′ Harmonic Flute

2 2/3′ Nazard

2′ Recorder

1 3/5′ Tierce

2′ Full Mixture IV

16′ Bassoon

8′ Trompette

8′ Oboe

4′ Clarion


Chimes digital

8′ Major Tuba (Ch)


Great Organ
4″ Wind Pressure


16′ Lieblich Gedeckt

8′ Open Diapason

8′ Viola da Gamba

8′ Flute Harmonique

8′ Bourdon

4′ Principal

4′ Spire Flute

2 2/3′ Twelfth

2′ Fifteenth

1 1/3′ Mixture IV

8′ Trompete



Chimes digital

8′ Trombas (ped)

4′ Trombas Clarion

8′ Major Tuba (Ch)


Choir Organ
4″ Wind Pressure


8′ English Open Diapason

8′ Flute a Biberon

8′ Dulciana

8′ Unda Maris

4′ Principal

4′ Block Flute

2′ Doublette

1 1/3′ Larigot

1′ Fourniture IV

8′ Clarinet


Chimes, digital

Harp, digital

Celesta, digital

8′ Trombas (ped)

4′ Trombas Clarion

8′ Major Tuba (25″ Wind)

Pedal Organ
Various Pressures


32′ Double Open Diapason, digital

32′ Subbass, digital

32′ Lieblich Gedeckt, digital

16′ Open Diapason

16′ Bourdon

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (Gt)

8′ Open Bass (facade)

8′ Principal (facade)

8′ Bourdon (extension)

8′ Violoncello (facade)

4′ Choral Bass

4′ Open Flute

16′ Trombone (7″ Wind)

16′ Bassoon (Sw)

8′ Trumpet

4′ Clarion

8′ Major Tuba (Ch)

Chimes, digital

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