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Holy Communion


Communion is a means of grace offered to all. We come to the table, and the Holy Spirit comes to us wherever we are in our journey. All professing Christians are welcome to the Lord's Table. As we say the blessing, Christ is with us, and He becomes the means of grace over our lives.


We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month in both Traditional and LightHouse worship services. Communicants receive the Eucharist by intinction, which is dipping the bread into the wine. We also share the Peace of the Lord during these services as a sign of reconciliation and love.


For those members not able to attend a traditional communion service, we bring one to you, allowing you to share in Communion and keeping you connected with the church. If you know of someone that is not able to come to church because they are hospitalized, are in a nursing home, or are homebound, please contact us to arrange a steward to visit.




In this sacrament, God uses a common element, water, as a means or vehicle of divine grace. Baptism is administered by the church as the Body of Christ. It is the act of God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.




Planning a wedding is a joyful, yet stressful time in the life of a bride and groom and their families. Our Wedding Coordinator Team helps make that time more joyous than stressful. The directors meet with the couple to help select a date, go over our church’s expectations, select music, and plan the ceremony’s logistics. This process begins six months to a year before the wedding date. Weddings at Hayes Barton are open to church members and children of members. Contact Jerry Lachapelle for more information.




The Bereavement Team is a true ministry to families who are grieving. We coordinate the family’s funeral needs as they are going through this difficult time. Hayes Barton offers family and friends a reception or a luncheon for up to 40 people, provides ushers and greeters, and interfaces with the funeral home if needed. Contact Melanie Iversen to make proper arrangements.

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