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The Outreach Pathway at Hayes Barton...

...offers many ways to become involved. There is a thriving missions spirit at Hayes Barton, and it continues to grow. We have abundant opportunities for service and are always seeking to extend our reach and impact. Outreach is each of us! We invite you to get to know more about outreach at Hayes Barton and consider getting involved in new ways. Outreach is each of us doing our part to serve. Our Support Pathway also provides opportunities to serve those in need in our own congregation.

Missional Opportunities

Our Outreach includes partnerships with local nonprofits, missions and projects, community grants, disaster relief efforts, and congregational service days.



For a complete list of Hayes Barton’s groups as well as agencies we partner with and ways you can serve, please click here.
2020 Community Grant Recipients
  • Alliance Medical Ministry

  • Family Promise

  • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle

  • Meals on Wheels

  • Oak City Cares

  • Round Table of Pullen Baptist

  • The Women's Center

  • Urban Ministries of Wake County

  • A Place at the Table

  • Neighbor to Neighbor

  • Prison Aftercare Christian Ministries

  • Society of St. Andrew

  • StepUp Ministry

  • The Encouraging Place

  • The Green Chair Project

  • Welcome Home - CBF Advocates for Refugees

  • Wheels4Hope


Total amount of 2020 Grants: $64,750

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