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Mary-Kathryn Connor (ext. 1142) holds a Bachelor's degree in Family and Consumer Sciences from Meredith College and a Master's degree in Early Childhood Intervention and Family Support from UNC-Chapel Hill. She has a vast resume of experiences having been a teacher, department chair, and adjunct instructor at Moore Square Middle School, Broughton High School and Meredith College.  Through her skillful leadership, Mary-Kathryn brought about instrumental change and success not only in programming but also in student achievement and staff support.

Mary-Kathryn is married to Jeff, and they have 3 children -- Jordan, Mary-Knowles and Pate. She is an active member of Hayes Barton United Methodist Church and is a board member of the United Methodist Women, Wee Care Children's Enrichment Program, and the Alexander, Poyner and Southeast Raleigh YMCA. When she isn't working or volunteering, she enjoys going traveling with her family, reading, and taking group fitness classes.

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