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Cloister Thoughts....paving the way to the cradle

This Sunday, Traditional - Holding Fast

It is inevitable that we ask questions about the future. Far better, however, is to trust in God’s goodness and live with integrity. The future will make itself known soon enough. Luke 21:5-19

November 20, 2016 - CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY Traditional - Remember me, King Jesus.

Jesus’ death on the cross creates the opportunity for us to view our world, and the purpose of our lives in the fresh light of God’s new reality. Jesus, the king, reigns from the cross. Luke 23:33-43

ADVENT: Living Well...God dwells among us. God as Creator seems distant and unapproachable. The Word made flesh to dwell among us is more personal. God with us in Jesus offers hope, peace and goodwill to all. The light of the world is Jesus.

November 27, 2016 - FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Traditional - That Day

Culture has co-opted the meaning of Christmas. But with the four vignettes about “that day” in today’s reading, the church can begin to reclaim its mission to interpret what the birth of Jesus and the return of Jesus mean. These vignettes remind us that we anticipate not only grace but also judgment. This reminder of judgment dissipates our complacency and shatters our obliviousness to God’s presence. Matthew 24:36-44

December 4, 2016 - SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Traditional - Prepare the Way

John the Baptist instructs the Pharisees and Sadducees to do more than simply witness the baptisms taking place in the River Jordan. They are to change their lives and produce fruit. Like the Pharisees and Sadducees, we also need to let go of our regular routines and current lifestyles and respond to God’s presence in our lives. This is how we prepare for the Lord during this season of Advent. Matthew 3:1-12

December 11, 2016 - THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT LightHouse - What Have You Come Out to See?

Jesus asked a crowd, “What have you come out to see?” He asks us the same question. Our reflective response can help satisfy our spiritual hunger. Matthew 11:2-11

December 24, 2016 CHRISTMAS EVE Following the Light

The invitation of the star allows God’s message to touch hearts and minds. Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-2

December 25, 2016 CHRISTMAS DAY - 10:00 a.m. - Dark Streets and Everlasting Light

The light of Christ, that came into the world on that first Christmas, shines all the brighter because of the darkness in the world. Ironically, it is the very darkness, the symbol of chaos and wrong, that makes the light of Christ so dramatic in its effect. John 1:1-14 ... God dwells among us giving light and hope.

Peace on Earth - Rick

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