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Costa Rica Mission Team's Report

Daily updates from our Costa Rica team, who completed their work in La Palma, Costa Rica last Saturday and returned home safely.

From Bailey Zeller:

“Happy Father’s Day from the Hayes Barton’s Costa Rica Mission Team! After worship and lunch with our friends at the Methodist Church in Pavones, we traveled 3 hrs south to the small village of La Palma. The sanctuary of the Methodist Church here will be our worksite for the week, upgrading electrical and installing a drop ceiling. Pastor Alex, his family and church members graciously greeted us with dinner. We’ve settled in and set up beds in the classroom space, and made new dog friends! Work begins at 6am tomorrow!”

From Leslie Boney:

“Though we were promised a later wake-up, the day began at 4am with the crow of a less than timely and persistent rooster. The group groaned and rolled over. Later, the more gentle caw of Mike Trexler roused the collective for good.

After two hours of work, breakfast was served. Shortly after, most were tasked with chiseling holes in the cement wall to make room for new electrical outlets. Others secured metal flashing into the ceiling. Only interrupted by lunch and afternoon snack, chicken and arepas and coffee, respectively, the group worked tirelessly in the Costa Rican heat until torrential rains flooded the church grounds.

El grupo was rewarded with a red snapper dinner and puppy kisses. Then the today’s scribe put pen to paper to update those at home on the antics of los gringos. All is well.”

From Jackson Highsmith:

“Today in La Palma, we had another day with many hours of work. We continued to form the structure for the drop ceiling in the sanctuary while also making lots of progress on repairing and upgrading the electrical. After lunch, we were treated to delicious coconut cookies, hot out of the oven.

After work, we took a walk to see a 200 year old tree filled with macaw and other birds. Then took a short ride for a quick visit to “Playa Blanca”; a rather ironic name for a beach with black sand. It was one of the most beautiful beaches many of us have been to with God’s beautiful creation being breathtaking with the mountains and clear water. Upon returning, we enjoyed another great meal and celebrated the 14th birthday of Hani, El Pastor’s daughter with cake and a movie (technical assistance provided by Alejandro and Jordi). Another day in paradise.”

From John-Henry Barwick:

“Again, the day began at 2:46 with the first (of many) calls from our rooster neighbor. So the team struggled out of bed at 5:45 to begin work. After a somewhat slow start, we found our groove as everyone settled into their roles. It was more of the same with pulling electrical wire and framing the ceiling.

Our worked ended at lunch today as we began preparing for VBS later in the afternoon. The niños (and gringos) all enjoyed bubbles, sidewalk chalk, coloring, skits, parachute games, and a water war!

After dinner, we worshiped with our host church community...praying, singing, and sharing in Holy Communion. We ended the night with glow sticks and glow bracelets for all!

Best day yet!”

From Harrison Lee:

“Per usual, dog barks and rooster noises filled our dreams until our fearless team leader awoke us at 5:45am with ‘Thursday, Thursday, Thursday...Monster Trucks!’ Strangely, that unexplained outburst managed to draw us all out of bed and onto our last day of work, the grand finale. We pulled all our collective remaining energy to power through the last of our metal beams and daunting screws.

After a delicious breakfast of fried eggs, rice and super buttered toast, we shared in one final communion and group hugs. We were invited to the local school to watch traditional Costa Rican dancing at their arts festival. But we quickly returned to the church where we wrapped up our jobs and cleaned the worksite up til lunch.

We exchanged goodbyes with our new church family, celebrating over a freshly baked cake for the occasion. There were emotional goodbyes with warm embraces of Jordi, Pastor Alex and the kitchen ladies as well as separation anxiety with ‘Pupito’ and Capi the dog.

We piled in the bus and were reunited with warm showers and real bunk beds in San Isidro. We ate delicious taco salads and enjoyed a campfire. Tomorrow horses, waterfalls and beach!

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