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Being the Church

In this unexpected and uncertain season of life, we would do well to remember the consistency of God’s love and grace. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). I doubt I am alone in acknowledging the difficulty of life these last few days. Our plans have drastically changed and we are living in a way that we couldn’t have imagined a short time ago. It is now when our Christian faith and life as disciples of Jesus Christ needs to be evident. When we do this, we help to relieve the heavy burdens people are carrying. We also find rest and hope for ourselves knowing that we are moving forward being the Christians we proclaim be.

​Although basically all activities of the church have been postponed until after 28 March to prevent disease transmission, that does not mean we are going to stop being the Church or the Body of Christ! We will still worship God (even though that happens in a very different way than it did a few weeks ago!) Join us from the comfort of your home again next Sunday, 22 March, and watch online. We will still pray for others and ourselves. We will still care for each other in creative yet supportive ways.

There are several things that the Support and Outreach Pathways are beginning to do to love and care for each other. These things are happening on a congregational, community, and worldwide level. First, the Stephen Ministers at Hayes Barton UMC have developed a list of people that may feel isolated or in need of care and support during this season. Contacts will be made over the phone to check in with people and see if there are any needs for pastoral or spiritual care. Also, help with groceries and errands will be available for people in need of assistance. When a need for help is discerned, other volunteers will work to fulfill the need.

While the list of contacts we have compiled is broad and inclusive, it is not comprehensive. Therefore, there are still many opportunities for us all to love and care for each other. Think about the people in your Sunday School class or circle. Give them a call! Consider who you share a pew or ride the bus with on Sunday mornings, let them know you miss seeing them. Just checking in and letting others know you are praying for them continues the work of the church and will give us all hope and peace. You also may find a need you can help someone with, even if it’s just helping them to not feel forgotten or isolated.

If you discern a need that requires in-person contact, please be mindful of the need to create space so that we limit the potential of passing any disease. Phone conversations are always great and can meet a lot of the needs we will have. Do not make any in-person contact if you are feeling ill. Allow space and be mindful of cleanliness.

Together, we will still be the church and we will make it through this unprecedented season. Have hope, have faith, and continue to look for the Light of Christ that is always present in the world. If you have a need that the church can help you with, please reach out and let us know how we can help. May the grace and love of God always bless you.

With peace and love,

Pastor Adam

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