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Go Ye Therefore...our 2017-2018 Theme

Go ye therefore…

“Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

The Church is sent forth from worship to live The Great Commission. We go forth to learn, to fellowship, to teach others in the world the good news of the redemptive love of God. When the woman at The Well encountered Jesus as Living Water, she went forth to her community to share the news that transformed her life. We go forth with a blessing at worship to be the light and love of Jesus in the world.

Hayes Barton will be shaped this year with the theme:

Go Ye Therefore….

We begin the journey with the inspiration of God whose love is freely given to all. God continually gives to us; therefore, we give to God the first fruits of our labors. Giving to God is an act of worship. We praise God when we honor God in gift giving. God generously gives to us, therefore, we give to God with glad and generous hearts.

Stewardship Season: Go Ye Therefore…giving generously

ADVENT: Go Ye Therefore…seeking to find

The prophets proclaimed a new day coming when God’s rule would reign with evidence of peace. Peace on earth and goodwill to all. We go forth to see where darkness is prevalent – where there is injustice, where humanity struggles with no evidence of redemption. We seek to find where light can illuminate, where love can be born.

CHRISTMAS: Go Ye Therefore…telling the birth

At Christmas, we celebrate God coming near us in the incarnation – Jesus. Angels telling the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks – of the Savior’s birth. A star – reaching out from the sky telling the Magi where to find the true King. Christmas is storytelling time – of the good news.

EPIPHANY: Go Ye Therefore…spreading the love

Jesus walking among humanity, invoking love rather than rejection gives us glimpses of the divine. When our eyes are open to see the glory of the Lord – we see the Great Commission as a movement to spread God’s love throughout the world.

ASH WEDNESDAY AND LENT: Go Ye Therefore…journeying deeper

The call to faithful discipleship requires accountability and nurturing. We are called to deepen and to broaden our understanding of God. A spiritual tool given to the Church is a designed time (liturgical season) to intentionally focus on the well being of our spirits. The Lenten Journey is a calling of the people of God to set aside a season of time to sharpen spiritual practices, providing strength for the faith journey.

EASTER: God Ye Therefore…proclaiming the conqueror of death

Mary, visiting the tomb of Jesus on the third day, discovered the truth of an ever-living God. Jesus broke through the entombment of death by affirming his farewell words to his disciples, “Because I live, you will live also.” Everlasting life is a proclamation that cannot remain contained – it is the Great Commission put into action.

PENTECOST: Go Ye Therefore…bearing the fruits

Jesus promised that when he would no longer be seen in the flesh – an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, would be available to teach and remind us of all that we need to know. On Pentecost, we celebrate the empowerment of the Church with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit living in and through faithful disciples bears much fruit. God’s love in the world is known and witnessed in the bearing of the Spirit’s fruits. Jesus reminds his disciples that they will be known by the love they give.

Go Ye Therefore… and remember,

I am with you always, to the end of the age.

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