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Go Ye Therefore: Giving Generously

God has blessed us with a special place to worship and carry out our mission to offer Christ, community, and compassion. However, we can only carry out our great work based on the pledges and intent of our congregation. Annually, we have to plan our budget based on the pledges we receive from our congregation; we cannot spend more than we take in! Your pledge really matters and I hope you will feel moved to take action and help us achieve 100% leadership participation!

You can communicate your pledge in one of the following ways:

1. Complete a pledge card and scan/email it, or mail or deliver it to the church. You can put it in the offering plate or in the Finance Office mailbox in the staff kitchenette/mail room, or simply hand it to a receptionist during a weekday. Blank cards were mailed to you and may be found on the tables just outside the sanctuary entrance.

2. Email your pledge intention (amount & general fund designation) to Russell Wilcox: He will print it out and staple it to a pledge card.

3. Online

· Go to and click on Members

· Enter your email address and password and click Sign In. If you do not know what to do at this point, please contact Anna Stidham, or 919-832-6435 x1123

· Under My Giving Summary, click Pledge Now

· Enter the amount that you want to pledge, select “general fund” to make a pledge to the general fund from the drop-down menu, and indicate the frequency of your gift (weekly, monthly, one time, etc.) from the drop-down menu

· Enter the 2018 calendar year: from 1/1/2018 until 12/31/2018

· Check the math to see if “for a total pledge of XX.XX” agrees with what you intend. If not, adjust the gift amount and/or frequency until the total pledge matches your intent

· Click Save or Save and set up online gift

Call 919-832-6435 x1118 or email if you need help in any way.

Thank you for your time, talents and treasure!

Ranse Stokes

Finance Chair

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