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Advent Events

Greetings to all of you in the HBUMC community! I pray that this note finds everyone doing very well and having a happy first week of Advent. It seems like not long ago we were putting away Halloween costumes or carving turkey and all of a sudden we are about three weeks from Christmas. If it seems like a short Advent season and that Christmas came up fast this year, there is a good reason for that. This year is unique in the liturgical calendar that guides the seasons of the Church because the last Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve are on the same day. Not only is December 24th the last Sunday of Advent in preparation and expectation of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, but later that day we turn our worship from expectation and preparation to rejoicing and celebration of Christmas Eve. We gather together in the morning to prepare for the birth of Christ. Then throughout the afternoon and evening we worship and celebrate that “God so loved the world” (John 3:16) a Savior and King is born to forgive and redeem the world.

Not only is this a special season in the Christian year, but we are so blessed to be the community that worships together at HBUMC. We have talented musicians, vocalists, and worship leaders, artistic people that decorate the spaces for worship in beautiful yet faithfully symbolic ways, and, most importantly, we have a diverse and loving group of believers that wonderfully reflect the goodness and light of Christ in the world. While any individual’s faith and strength is a point of joy, it is amazing how when we come together in community as the Body of Christ there is so much more we can do. For example, one voice worshipping and praising God cannot compare to a room full of Christian disciples glorifying God. Likewise, many hands make work light when doing good deeds in the mission field. Therefore, HBUMC brings great glory to God and to the world because we are a diverse community yet bound together in love of God and neighbor.

The strength found in assembling together is one reason why on Sunday morning, December 24th, we will gather for one worship service in the morning at 10:00 a.m. in Casper Holroyd Hall. It is a great gift from God to be called to and have the ability to worship. Even more so, we can celebrate that we have such a great space for this gathering. It is an amazing thing that we can be in one space that morning; each coming from in from our unique lives with unique gifts and strengths with which to praise God. Yet during one worship service that morning, the church will be able to come together to not only mark the last Sunday of Advent but also to celebrate being together as a community of faith in our Savior Christ. It is sure to be a wonderful time of reverent Christian worship that will prepare you to celebrate Christmas!

Things will quickly change in the life of the liturgical year as we go from expecting Christ in Advent on the morning of December 24th, to celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ during the afternoon and evening. There will be five services to choose from beginning at 3:00 p.m. Whichever one you attend will surely be an amazing time of worship to God. There are many other important events going on at HBUMC throughout the year, but especially at this important season for the Church. I pray that the Spirit will lead you to be a part of this community and all are welcome! Find out more about all the things happening in this newsletter and at!

There is one more event at HBUMC during the Advent season that I would like to draw your attention to. This is an evening worship service at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 21st, called the Longest Night Service. While for many people Christmas is a time for joy, celebration, and gathering with family and friends, there are others in this church and in the world that find this season to be lonely, the burden of grief or sorrow becomes more severe, and it can be even harder to find joy when many days of the year have been filled with despair. If you or someone you know is feeling this way when everyone else seems to be overflowing with holiday cheer, I pray that you will attend this service. It may not heal or solve the burden you are carrying, but through the Word of God in Scripture, prayer, special music, and peaching, perhaps by the grace of God in the presence of the Holy Spirit you may be surrounded in hope in Christ, born from simple, humble means, died on a cross, and resurrected to forgive our sins, defeat death, and grant eternal life.

The Advent season is upon us and it is a busy time of year. I sincerely and hopefully pray that God will lead you to be involved in these, and other, important events as we recognize and give thanks for the Advent and Christmas season. May the grace and love of God surround you all as we prepare for and celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

With peace and love, Adam

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