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Easter Ears and Eyes

The resurrection story never gets too familiar for my ears to hear. Even now in the third week of Easter, I still find myself in awe that the stone has been rolled away, death has been defeated, and my sins have been forgiven. When I encounter Christ risen from the dead in the breaking of the bread of life and in sharing the cup of salvation I am in awe, just as the first disciples were. As I walk along the road of life and recognize Christ’s presence, I rejoice in how my life has also been transformed because of Christ’s offering of grace. It never gets old to hear about God’s mighty acts in Jesus Christ. The story of that first Easter is one that brings me to give thanks to God over and over again.

I also find great joy in telling this story to others. Whether they have heard it before or they are hearing it for the first time, simply telling the Good News that the tomb is empty and that Christ is risen shares the light of Christ to the world. This light of grace and mercy is one that shines without discrimination, surrounding all people and all places with the gift of forgiveness and salvation. By humbly telling the Easter story we are doing the thing that Christ has called us to do. On that first Easter morning Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden (John: 1-18). Once she realized that it was Christ and not the gardener, he gave her two simple instructions: do not just sit here with me and go tell others the Good News! Mary went as Jesus instructed. From one unexpected person due to her social location of that time and place, Christianity (faith in Jesus Christ as our risen Savior) made its entrance into the world. Because of Mary being present and following where Christ was leading her, we know of and are saved by God’s mighty acts in Jesus Christ.

Just as Mary Magdalene proclaimed to the other disciples the Good News that Christ was raised, we are called to do the same. From scripture we know that the tomb was empty on that first Easter morning and we ought to tell that to others. But there are also many other ways we can proclaim the Good News to the world other than retelling the words of scripture. The way in which we live our lives each day can also proclaim our faith that our sins have been forgiven and death has been defeated in Jesus Christ. In following the way Christ has taught us to live, other people can come to know about Jesus Christ.

One of the clearest examples of this way of living comes from the first disciples whose lives were transformed by hearing that the tomb was empty. In the book of Acts, their reaction gives witness to how they lived as Easter people and thus gives us an example of how we should go and do likewise. My favorite example of life lived in this way is found in Acts 4:32-35 where it is written, “Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.” This is an amazing witness to a way in living as a reaction to the resurrection. Is this hard to imagine and perhaps an even more difficult thing for us to do? Yes. Is it also obtainable in that Christ exemplified it in his life and therefore calls us to live in a similar way? I again say yes, absolutely.

This example of living life in community for the needs of others by the first Christian disciples may seem extreme, especially to the world today where accumulating property and wealth is seen as an individual right and luxury. Despite it being a cultural norm to acquire and hold things as an individual, it can be even more fulfilling to be able to give what we have so that others may thrive. From this we can live life in community as Christ has called and created us to do.

Mary Magdalene wanted to stay in the presence of Christ where she was comfortable and had found relief for her own grief. Yet Christ sent her out so that others may know that the tomb is empty, death has been defeated, and our sins have been forgiven. One my favorite quotes from St. Francis of Assisi is “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” I think that St. Francis was inspired to this way of living by Mary Magdalene and the first disciples. It is good for our ears to hear about and then proclaim the events of that first Easter morning. But we also must live our life each day so that others and ourselves can see with our eyes and experience life with an empty tomb, sins forgiven, and death defeated. For this may God be glorified this Easter season and forevermore.

With peace and love,


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