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Saying Goodbye: A New Song

It’s a gorgeous morning as I sit writing my last Commissioner article. It’s slightly cooler than it has been…that just right temperature that causes you to think about moving to a place where the climate is always mild. The plants and flowers seem to be breathing a deep sigh of relief that the heat is not intense right now. The birds are unruly in their songs, but I suspect they are trying to get my attention…reminding me that that last written words I share with you are actually part of a song. It’s a song that you and I and God started composing almost 12 years ago, and while this particular version will end on Sunday, it’s a tune that will live in my heart as I leave this place.

My words could not be sappier, and I am fully aware of that. But I am feeling sentimental right now, a little foolish, and emotional in ways that I did not anticipate. To say that you have touched my life is an understatement. You have actually shown me the sublime goodness of God. While our song has many verses, it begins and ends with the love of God that came through you to me. It started on day one when you welcomed me with grace and expectation, and it has continued through the years as we have celebrated, mourned and learned together. We have witnessed our congregation growing deeper into the grace and mercy of God. We have had front row seats as many among us have reached out from our walls into the world to reflect God in powerful and life-changing ways. We have watched as a building emerged from the ground to signify that we have gulped Living Water with our Savior Jesus, and he has called us to offer it to those who are thirsty. We have held on to each other in times of great pain when words would not come and have unreservedly danced with each other in times of joy. As I think more about it, I realize that it was actually God’s song all along. We were moving to God’s melody that began at creation, and even when we did not recognize the chorus, grace enabled us to move in the right direction.

I cried this past Sunday while serving communion here for the last time. Offering the body and blood of Jesus to those I love dearly…I could not keep the tears from flowing. One sweet gentleman asked me after the service, “If you were this emotional today, what will you be like on your last Sunday?” He brought lightness to the situation for me in a wonderful way, and I love him for it. Truth is…I don’t know what I’ll be like this Sunday. I don’t fear going to my new appointment. I know that God is leading, and all shall be well as I listen for God’s voice. I believe I will meet many new disciples who love God. I get all of that as well as I can. But it doesn’t change the fact that I will miss you. I will miss the unique song that we have been singing together. I know that God has a new song composed, and I believe that the congregation of Saint Mark’s will sing it well. However, I cannot leave without letting you know how much I have cherished my time with you.

Psalm 96 beckons us “O sing to the Lord a new song….” May we all sing our new song in ways that will let the world hear the beauty and goodness of the God who brings us together and sends us forth. I look forward to celebrating with you this Sunday.

Blessings and love, LuAnn

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