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Annual Conference Report

From Wednesday, June 12, through Saturday, June 15, 1,600 Methodist from across Eastern North Carolina gathered in Greenville for our Annual Conference. Hayes Barton was represented by our three pastors and our Youth Minister, Joy Van Staalduinin, who is also an ordained deaconess and the four lay delegates, Patti Young, Jay Rogers, Bill Deerhake, and myself. Additionally, 10 members attended as Capital District equalizer delegates. Combined with our retired clergy, other ordained deaconess, and Conference Chancellor, twenty-two members of Hayes Barton attended this year. While I do not know if this is a fact, I am pretty certain it was the largest group from any congregation.

The twenty-two included three youth, Lindsay Morris, Olivia Skaggs and Jay Rogers. This is the first time in my ten years as a delegate, that I remember our youth attending. Departing Youth Minister, Joy, can take credit for this participation. This is one of the many reasons we will miss Joy. We wish her the best as she takes the next steps in her life journey.

This year, we elected lay and clergy delegates to the quadrennial General Conference which will be held next May in Minneapolis and next summer’s Southeast Jurisdictional Conference at Lake Junaluska. This is a long, tedious, and sometimes painful process.

The primary focus of this year’s Conference was our response to the decisions made at the Special Called Conference earlier this year. By the slate of delegates elected to next year’s General Conference combined with the Inclusion Resolution that was passed and the resolutions that were either not brought forward or rejected, the North Carolina Conference clearly wants to work within the United Methodist structure to insure that everyone is fully included in our denomination and that no one is ever singled out because of who they are.

Information concerning the resolutions can be found on the Conference website, HERE.

I am pleased to announce that all three of our pastors have been reappointed. Molly will begin her second year here, Adam his third and Rick his sixteenth year. We continue to be blessed with outstanding clergy leadership.

Hope Morgan Ward begins the last year of her second four-year term. Bishop Ward’s overarching theme for this four-year team is Generosity. This year’s Conference focused on Generosity in all People. The Bishop emphasized that generosity is in us. Next year will be Bishop Ward’s last conference. Her replacement will be selected at next summer’s Jurisdictional Conference.

Bishop Leonard Farley of Kentucky, formerly a North Carolina Clergy, provided a powerful message to the Conference. He urged everyone to make ourselves “fully available” to God. Once we do that, we have no option but to be generous.

In addition to the response to the Special Called Conference, there were many other highlights from this year’s Conference to celebrate. Between fully funding the retiree pension plan liability last year, and the retiree health and life insurance this year, $4.1 million becomes available to return to local churches in reduced apportionments. This accomplishment reflects over 10 years of persistent diligent effort.

Last year, the United Methodist Youth began an effort to raise funds for Hurricane Florence relief. To increase the impact of the effort, the North Carolina Conference pledged to match up to $500,000. A special offering raised almost $33,000 bringing the Youth’s total to over $285,000 towards the $500,000 target.

The CEO of United Methodist Women, Harriett Jane Olson, joined us to celebrate the 150th anniversary of that organization.

Finally, Mike Frese, whose first appointment was Hayes Barton, was appointed Superintendent for the Corridor District. Mike wanted to me to pass along his gratitude to Hayes Barton for the love received from our congregation.

As always, thank you for the privilege of representing Hayes Barton. Annual Conference always reminds me what a special place Hayes Barton is.

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