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Ask, Seek, Knock: Women's & Men's Retreats

Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and ye shall find it; knock and the door will be opened unto you... Most of us are familiar with this passage from Matthew 7:7. Reading these words, might even make you spontaneously burst into song with the classic hymn, Seek Ye First (or you might hum it, at least). But, how often do we pause and consider what these words mean? What are we supposed to ask? What are we seeking exactly? And, what do we do once the door actually is opened? Come join your Hayes Barton sisters and brothers at Lake Junaluska this fall on our Ask, Seek, Knock retreats, as we ponder these questions and look at this well-known verse with fresh eyes -- all while enjoying good fellowship in a beautiful setting.

Our Women's Retreat will be led by Pastor Molly the weekend of September 27-29, 2019. Our Men's Retreat will be led by Pastor Adam the weekend of October 4-6, 2019. Both weekends will be filled with worship, small group workshops, and ample time for individual reflection and enjoying the outdoors. The Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center, where the retreats will be held, is nestled in a mountain valley in the tiny town of Lake Junaluska, about 25 miles from Asheville, North Carolina. It has been in operation as a Methodist meeting place since 1913, and its mission is to be a place of Christian hospitality where lives are transformed through renewal of soul, mind, and body. It is a wonderful spot for our retreat with peaceful walking trails, beautiful gardens, a meditation labyrinth, and cozy porches for relaxing or reading. There are also tennis courts and a golf course, if your idea of relaxation involves a little friendly competition.

Our retreat weekends are a great opportunity to reconnect with your covenant group or Bible study after a summer hiatus, to deepen the bonds with members of your Sunday school class, to get better acquainted with Pastor Molly and Pastor Adam, and to befriend someone in the congregation you might not yet know. The cost for the weekend is $275 per person, with meals included. Lodging will be double occupancy at the Lambuth Inn. The retreat will begin at 7 pm on Friday and end on Sunday at 11 am. Unlike some of our retreats in the past, space is limited, so reserve your spot today. You may register now at Registration will close on July 31, 2019.

The fall easily can become busy with back-to-school activities, work obligations, football games, Bazaar, and more quickly than we realize, the holidays. It can seem like we are racing from one thing to the next and that we do not have time to invest in nurturing our spiritual selves. Our Ask, Seek, Knock retreats offer a chance to carve out some time simply just to be with God. No matter where you are on your faith journey, you will have the opportunity to learn and to grow. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:8. Look forward to seeing you at Lake Junaluska!

With peace and love,

Lora Tripp

Retreat Coordinator

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