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Prayer at Hayes Barton

Prayer is an essential part of a Christian life. When we pray, we acknowledge our need for God, we acknowledge our faith in God, and we recognize the power and presence of God that goes beyond any and all things we can do. This can happen in many ways. Prayer can be individual or done together. There are prayers that are part of our liturgy and prayers that are extemporaneous. We can say prayers written by ourselves or other people. Sometimes we say prayers from our heart that seem to come from out of nowhere. Prayer can happen through song just as much as we can pray in silence. Here are some ways that prayer is happening in the congregation at Hayes Barton UMC:

Sunday morning prayer: Every Sunday morning, the pastors arrive at church several hours before our worship services to pray. After our individual time of prayer and preparation, the pastors gather together before worship. We pray for concerns of the congregation, for our church and its ministries, and review the order of worship. In our prayers we also ask for the presence of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be in worship, to transform us, and to lead us to live as disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.

Prayer Warriors: During our worship services, members of our congregation commit themselves to prayer. They pray for those participating and leading worship, for our congregation and its joys and concerns, and for the life, health, and ministries of our church. In every moment of worship, our Prayer Warriors are devoted to this vital ministry of the church.

Prayer Room: Not only are the Sanctuary and Chapel at HBUMC open and available spaces for prayer when the church is open, but we also have a room dedicated for prayer. The Prayer Room is located above the entrance on the Stone St./sanctuary side of the church. It is a comfortable, quiet space that is available for silence, study, and prayer. You may utilize this space for prayer as you feel led and the pastors are available to meet with you there as needed.

Prayer Labyrinth: There are many sacred spaces available in The Well at Hayes Barton conducive to prayer. One of the many intentional features of this space is the Prayer Labyrinth in the Chapel. The Prayer Labyrinth is a path painted on the floor of the Chapel that you follow as you pray. It is a way to both pray with your mind and words and your body. This journey of prayer with the Labyrinth is available for you as you feel called.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Like many of the prayer ministries at Hayes Barton, you may not realize this is happening and available. Dedicated knitters in our congregation give their time and talent to this ministry. With each stich, prayers are said over a shawl or blanket so that the physical and spiritual warmth is felt by this gift during a time of need. Let us know if you or a loved one would benefit from the love and assurance of God’s grace found in this gift.

If you are interested in being a part of any of our prayer ministries please each out to me! Or if you are in need of prayer, your pastors, and all of these ministries, are here for you. With the grace of God and through the Holy Spirit, I am in prayer for you!

With peace and love, Pastor Adam

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